3 Jokers for better table play

In its modern version, poker is a whole science. Professionalism in sports has long proven that one of the most popular card games is not all about luck. On the contrary! Strategy in poker is sometimes much more important than the hand you will be dealt. Of course, ideally you will have the strongest possible cards in you, but you will also play them in the most profitable way for you. In fact, as long as you are winning, everything is fine. After all, that's the point of the game. But you must be sure of one thing. If you always rely on your luck, it will betray you. He will probably do it quite often. If you want to rely on a strategy, here are 3 tips on how to make profit an easier task.

1. Play fewer hands, but play them aggressively.

One of the most interesting syndromes in the game is the inability to discard a weak card at the beginning of the game. One of the sweetest feelings in poker is beating your opponent with the weakest possible hand. Quite often, trying to win as an underdog will cost you dearly. In the long run, it will be much easier for you to play fewer hands. Here we don't mean playing only the strong hands, not playing them all!

The idea is to be aggressive when you are in the game. Even with a weaker hand. Then you will easily disguise that you are not dominant. Your opponent won't know if you have two aces or a 7 and a 5. And less frequent betting will probably make your opponent wary of you. His initial reaction will always be that you only play when you are in a good position.

2. Play fast when you have a strong hand

One of the saddest things in poker is making the strongest possible flush on the flop and then getting 3-checked by the end of the hand. Believe me, it happens! You have 5 of a suit but decide to go passive to cover up your power. But your opponent at the table has a very weak hand and passes just like you. You wait for him, he gets free cards, and the pot does not grow. Such a scenario does not sound the best possible.

Of course, every hand is for itself. You always depend on the players against you, their strategy, your reputation at the table, etc. The point is, when you are certain of victory, make sure that the money on the table will be as much as possible. Passivity can seriously hinder this goal.

3. Protect your big blind

The most important thing to clarify is that we are talking about protecting the blind with the right hands here! You are in a special position. You have already invested funds that will ensure you reach the flop if no one has raised. Even if there is a reasonable raise, in most cases it is worth calling. We're not talking about doing it with weak hands like 9 and 5. But combinations of kings and 9s, queens and 6s, and the like can be quite profitable.

Remember! From the big blind, you are the last to make a decision. Take your investment in it as a discount when someone raises the rate. Pay attention to where the aggressor is in the hand, how many players are in the hand, how big the bet is, and how big your stack is. The fewer chips in front of you, the less often you have to play weaker hands.
