7 million dollar casino scam

7 million dollar casino scam

The large sum is most certainly reached through a series of petty thefts

Casino heists are an obligatory part of some action movies and they look fantastic, but in real life they are far from brilliant. And to prove it, we're going to tell you a story involving a scam of over $7 million. An impressive amount, right?

Perhaps the most famous network of casino scammers in the world is the Tran organization, which operates in a rather cunning way and does not have a heist worth more than a million dollars. Actually, each one by itself is nothing significant, but in the end, the value of all the scams exceeds seven million US dollars.

It all started in San Diego in 2002, when a dealer was caught changing the settings of a machine that was supposed to shuffle the cards in the deck. The idea is to just simulate shuffling and have them stay in the same order they were drawn before. This leads to a long sentence.

The people of the organization play exactly this way - through the dealer they can follow the order of the cards and know what to bet every time. The leader Phuong Truong recruits more and more dealers and starts participating in various games. To make things easier, his team uses microphones with a tracking device to keep track of the order of the cards. They also had a special person to signal when action was needed. All in all, signals hard to pick up, but more so over time.

However, greed takes its peak. The leader decides to change some of the dealers and they, logically, turn against him and become FBI informants. The US government uses undercover agents and manages to get to the perfectly woven web of fraud. In 2007, Puong was arrested in San Diego, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 70 months in prison, as well as restitution to all the casinos he robbed.
