The story of the greatest game collected in a book

Sports captivates, but one of its manifestations undoubtedly excites almost every person on the planet. Whether the competition decides the most valuable honor or is simply a friendly match, football is a game beyond ego. A game that is loved because of the many components that put together make the perfect rivalry. Game for connoisseurs.

Although Bulgaria has not been a factor on the big football scene for a long time, the supporters in our country remain faithful to the love for this sport. The golden year of 1994, when our national team placed fourth at the World Cup, will forever remain in history. However, this long-awaited moment is only the natural point of the development that this sport is undergoing in our country.

"The mayor of which Bulgarian city bans football?" Which home team did the British Trade Consul play for? Which team's fan is sentenced to death after financing it with stolen money?". All these questions are asked by Teodor Borisov, the author of "How Tsar Football took over Bulgaria". The longtime sports journalist reveals unknown and unexpected facts about the beloved ball game within 232 pages. Facts closely related to the changes in the country over the years, facts that will bring true delight to every football supporter in our country. "How Tsar Futbol took over Bulgaria" is a "mirror of the political and social development in our country in the dynamic 20th century", says the author about his book.

232 pages of evidence of the direct connection between politics and sports, dozens of stories about the greatness of football as a sport and the mark that Bulgaria leaves on the world stage. A football experience that will challenge you and make you love the greatest game even more.
