The Happiness Curve is a must-read for anyone who loves sports

The Happiness Curve is a must-read for anyone who loves sports

The stories from which you understand that there is nothing greater than the sportsman

If you love sports, if you are a fan of the game that captivates people, makes them sit in front of the televisions or go to the stadium, the hall, gather in a bar, a garden or a square, then you should get acquainted with the books of Ivo Ivanov.

The Bulgarian journalist offers us a different point of view, introduces us to stories, true stories from living life, which you did not even think were possible. Stories about real people, about athletes who are not known all over the world and about whom you will not hear on TV or read about on a sports website. No, these are stories of real people, happened in real places, which bring us messages, presented in the most understandable way possible and, although written in distant Kansas, can reach awake and good Bulgarians.

Perhaps the best publications of Ivo Ivanov are collected in "The Curve of Happiness". This is a book, as our native journalist Kamen Alipiev describes it, which if you don't read, you will make an unforgivable mistake in your life. And that's because Ivanov's style breaks out of the shackles of standard global journalism, intertwines with the work of art, and becomes difficult to categorize, but it can captivate you and leave all these things in the background.

And the stories collected in this collection, whose full name is "The Curve of Happiness. About Sports, the Universe and Everything," will take you to unexpected, exotic places. You'll discover one of the most mysterious corners of the Himalayas, encounter the cellular structures of a sinister parasite, and find out how one navigates a top-secret labyrinth. You will learn things about sports, about human capacity and the power of spirit and will that you never knew existed.

On top of that, most of these stories end in an unexpected, shocking way and make you want to read them again and again and be surprised every time. It is no coincidence that the words of Niki Kanchev are written on the cover of one of the editions: "The Curve of Happiness" is a book about the other life - a life that we rarely see, unless some talented director decides to show it to us. Ivo is one of those directors of the life around us who do not allow themselves to fall asleep, his words wake up, resonate, throw you direct conclusions and even change the lives of others"

Yes, The Happiness Curve is like that because it's genius, because it makes you imagine things you didn't think were even possible. Therefore, a person who has not read this book knows nothing about sports and the human capacity to be more than what one is capable of.
