How to play "Game of Dice" in a casino?

How to play "Dice game" in a casino?

A few simple rules for beginning players

Craps, or the game of dice, is a popular casino game that involves a lot of action, strategy, and requires a good amount of money if you're not going to rely on luck alone. To understand how the game of dice is played, you must first familiarize yourself with the table on which the dice are rolled and the bets placed. There is usually a dealer, or croupier, at the table, a person who monitors compliance with the rules and can solve any problems, and a person who collects the lost money with a special stick. Up to 20 people can participate in the game, who exchange their roles as people who roll the dice or simply bettors. The goal is to guess the sum of the two dice that are rolled.

The game starts with placing bets before the first roll. Players can choose to bet on 7 or 11, 2, 3 or 12. The round ends if the dice roll is 7, 11, 2, 3 or 12, but if 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, the next round begins with no one having lost anything yet. The dealer marks the number that has rolled and the players can bet on it, then the dice are rolled again. The move is repeated until 7 or the number in question is rolled, which again ends the game. For example, if a 5 comes up on the first roll, you have the opportunity to bet 5 extra money. If a number other than 5 or 7 is rolled, you get a chance to increase your bet again. If a 7 is rolled, everyone loses and the game starts over.

If the person trying to guess what will fall hits the number that fell on the first roll, even if it is different from 2, 3 or 12, as well as 7 or 11, he continues to be among the people who bet However, if a 7 is rolled, it is discarded and another takes an unready spot for the next roll.

The rules of playing dice are not that complicated. The difficulty comes from the fact that you have many options to bet on and they can be quite confusing for novice players. What is important to know at the outset is that your bet stands until your chips are on the table, ie. it doesn't matter if you are the dice roller or not. Are your chips on the table, you play.

If you are not familiar with the table and the different bets, the dealers can easily explain to you how to do it, but you risk the possibility of making different and better bets. Therefore, we advise you to pay a little more attention to the dice table. It features two identical halves with different sectors so that more people can participate.

The first two sectors that concern you are the "PASS LINE" which is the combination of 7 or 11 on the first roll of the dice and the "Don't Pass Bar" - the numbers 2, 3 or 12. The next very important sectors are the "BIG 6" and “BIG 8” which are the most common bets where you are counting on rolling a 6 or 8 as a total before rolling a 7 of course. The “FIELD” sector gives you the opportunity to bet on several combinations of the dice if a 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 is rolled on one roll. Here, players usually double or triple their money if the dice roll is 2 or 12. The next two sectors are the “COME” and “Don't Come Bar”, on which bets are made relative to the initial one. If the bettor thought that 7 or 11 would be rolled on the first roll, then on the second roll it is logical to add chips to "COME", if he was of the opinion that the sum of the dice would be 2 or 3, then it is logical to bet more money on "Don't Come Bar".

There is also a “Place” sector on the craps table where the fastest bets are usually made. Players can place chips on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. Money can be bet on this sector at any time, but if a player thinks that a 7 will come down before these numbers, then they can bet on “Place to Lose”. There are also sectors in the middle of the table that depict different combinations of the dice faces that players can also bet on. For example, dropping 3 and 3, 1 and 2, 6 and 6, etc.

You don't need to know the full rules of the game to get involved. You also don't need to remember everyone's bets to play reasonably well. What you care about is your bet.