"Jerry Maguire" - a film about the other side of the dream job

"Jerry Maguire" - a film about the other side of the dream job

How hard it is to be a sports agent and accommodate everyone's wishes

Jerry Maguire is one of those movie classics that is a must watch for any sports fan. Whether you like American football or not, this is the story of the life of a successful sports agent who is willing to give up his dream job for the principles that guide him.

The film by director Cameron Crowe is named after the main character, who is the agent of 72 American football players and stars Tom Cruise. Rich, successful at work and with a sex life that could be described as crazy, Jerry seems to be living the perfect life. However, embedded in his mind is the fact that people like him use approaches that cross the line of cynicism to be successful. In one long sleepless night, he decides that he will write an essay in which he reveals the secrets of his job, and logically this leads to his dismissal, and his only client remains the self-centered and second-rate football player Rod Tidwell, played by Cuba Gooding Jr.

On Jerry's side, however, is his co-star, 26-year-old single mother Dorothy Bond, played by Renée Zellweger, and this can only attract even more fans, because the plot about love is intertwined with the purely sports side of the film.

The work very well describes the difficulty in a job that is the dream of every second teenager among boys in the United States. The collision of human values with the desire to be among the best in their work turns the screen work into a masterpiece. And Tom Cruise, known for his action roles, also shows his other side, which fans like very much. In fact, "Jerry Maguire" opened the eyes of a number of college students to the nature of the controversial agent's work.

However, the film was also successful overseas with 43% of its revenue coming from overseas, which is unheard of for a similar work that talks about American football.

Critics termed it "Jerry Maguire" as a film that easily makes you like the main character and in which the dialogues are very easy for the audience to understand. So if you haven't watched it, you have a chance to correct your mistake.
