The born winner of the NBA

The born winner of the NBA

Bill Russell - the man ahead of everyone and even time

Whether you like basketball or not, you have surely heard the names of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. Competitors who take the sport, and the National Basketball Association in particular, to a different level.

Among the greatest names in the NBA are undoubtedly Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and many others, but how many of you have heard of Bill Russell? A player who surpasses all listed so far in one metric - championship rings won. The center from Louisiana boasts more accolades than he has fingers on his hand. His eleven NBA titles are an all-time record, so it's worth remembering his glorious career that began in 1956 and ended in 1969.

Russell has only played for one team. That of the Boston Celtics. Already in his second year, he won the title and put on the number one ring. This is followed by an unprecedented 8 consecutive and a total of 10 awards within 11 years. For reference, Jordan and Kobe have 11 combined.

There is no disputing that Bill Russell is one of the most underrated players in the NBA. A guy who doesn't stand out with his scoring ability, but can certainly be considered the best defensive player of all time. During his time, interceptions and steals were not included in the statistics, but insiders say Russell averaged between 8 and 12 blocks per game.

It's certainly not a bad thing to remember the achievements of the greatest, but those who stay out of the limelight also deserve huge recognition. And Bill Russell is one of them. And as if it is no coincidence that the award for the most valuable player in the finals of the association is named after him. To a man ahead of his time.
