The American dream of the boy from the village of Sennik

The American dream of the boy from the village of Sennik

Dan Kolov - The Balkan Lion

The year is 1892. The place Sennik village, Sevlievo municipality. In the family of Yana Zhivkova and Kolyo Danev, a fifth child was born. They christened him Doncho, not suspecting that years later the whole world would know his name. The boy's life is not easy at all. The family is poor, when he is 4, Doncho is left without a father. He has to grow up faster than his peers. Necessity took him to Hungary when he was only 12. In 1909. also emigrated beyond the Ocean. Departs for the United States of America. Alone, unafraid of the unknown and determined to succeed. No one suspects that the boy who carries heavy loads like a porter is actually an unheard of talent. He himself does not know what skills and power are hidden in him.

However, fate knows its job. During a circus performance, a professional wrestler challenges the audience. Doncho goes to the arena and the sensation is a fact. The Boy from Sennik wins. From that point on, a chronology of success follows. In 1917 signs a professional contract.

The world does not know strength and spirit, such as the one who became known across the Ocean as Dan Kolov, possesses. Learns the subtleties of combat. He is devoted to his new passion, and success is not long in coming. Played over 1500 matches. He subdues wrestlers from all continents. It becomes an inspiration for millions around the world. He even received an offer to change his citizenship - from Bulgarian to American.

"I feel strong because I am Bulgarian," said the man of honor. And he never forgets where he started from, despite the fame, despite the millions he manages to earn.

He also attacked the world top. In a fight against Jim Londos, the Balkan Lion backs down. Learns what it's like to lose, but teaches the champion a lesson. Until the end of his career, the American never dared to face the Bulgarian.

His mission is more than successful. Dreams come true. It is time for Dan Kolov to return home. 30 years after his departure, on April 7, 1935. Doncho steps on his native soil. He was greeted as a hero.

"I went out on foot, I will return on foot" - with these modest words, he shows that he is still the same Doncho Kolev from the village of Sennik, heading to his father's house.

Uses his means and fame as a hero. He donates to charity, infects hundreds of children with his love for sports, creates wrestling schools.

Five years after his return, in 1940. Dan Kolov goes out. Tuberculosis ended his life. There are many theories about his death. Among them even for his intentional and systematic poisoning in order to be removed from the top. The truth goes with him. His legacy, however, is something unseen to this day.
