The fat man who shocked the world and ended the Klitschko era

The fat man who shocked the world and ended the Klitschko era


The "Klitschko" era in the heavyweight division of professional boxing represented a serious monopoly over the sport in the most attractive discipline. For years there was no one to beat the brothers from Ukraine, and the interest was no longer at the level we saw in the 80s and 90s of the last century. However, the date 28.11.2015 will remain in history as the day when the intrigue among the heaviest returned with a bang.

For 11 years, Wladimir Klitschko crushed his opponents and no one expected more than 6 years ago that he would suffer a defeat that would mark the end of his heavyweight reign. On November 28th, he faced an ugly giant who had fat instead of abs, and his appearance did not suggest that he would be any problem for Klitschko. This is Tyson Fury - current No. 1 heavyweight boxer, but then juicing for an absolute underdog against the heavyweight hegemon.

In the ring at the "Esprit Arena" in Dusseldorf, where 65 thousand people massively supported Klitschko, the Briton demonstrated an amazing style with quick feet, lightning strikes and at times a lowered guard, which took Klitschko out of optimal shape, succumbing to this "playing" in the tempo of Fury. And the result is not at all accidental - for 12 rounds, Fury methodically imposed his opponent, and Klitschko's "hammers", with which he put his opponents to sleep, did not come into use even once. Although not knocked out, the Brit totally dominated his Ukrainian opponent and after a shocking 12 rounds the referee raised his hand to declare him the winner.

Although in the role of an outsider and in front of mass fans of Klitschko, the King of Roma did not show any concern at all, and even the fears that the judges at the ringside could tilt the scales in favor of Klitschko could not be realized. The three judges scored it 115-112, 115-112 and 116-111, but even that score doesn't do enough to show the total dominance Fury exerted over the reigning champion.

Due to depression and drug problems, Fury never faced Klitschko a second time, but he is currently the most popular and best representative of the heaviest in boxing. And the victory over Klitschko paves the way for him to the status of a legend.