The decision that changed the world of basketball

The decision that changed the world of basketball


In 1988, the USA basketball team suffered a serious blow during the Olympic Games in Seoul, after the "Yankees" were eliminated in the semifinals after a loss to the USSR. In the end, the Americans had to settle for the bronze medal, but the events that followed changed the world of basketball forever.

Until 1988, NBA basketball players were not allowed to play in the Olympics. Thus, the best players in the world have not had the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities on one of the biggest sporting stages. That rule changed after the Seoul Games, where the USA fielded a team made up of players competing at the collegiate level.

Many are adamant that allowing NBA players to play in the Olympics was influenced by the USA's desire to do so, but the truth is that the country's basketball representatives at the time voted "no" on the proposal to change the rule. The Americans were satisfied with the performance of the college players and did not consider it necessary to allow NBA players on the team. The real reason for changing this key rule is the desire of the Olympics to have the best players play.

A key role was played by Boris Stankovic (Director of FIBA), who for years fought against the removal of the rule. “Our competitions were closed to NBA players, but everyone else could participate - it wasn't fair at all. The other reason for the change was the desire for the best basketball players to play so that basketball could develop at a higher level," recalls Stankovic about the rule change.

After officially allowing NBA players to participate in the Olympics, the USA is making the most of it. After the defeat at the Seoul Games, the country's basketball governing body put together a program to ensure that the national team always had the best players from the NBA. And, thanks to a change in the rules, in 1992 the world was introduced to the greatest basketball team ever created - the "Dream Team" of the USA, composed of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and a number of other legends.