The sport where every decade is historic

The sport where every decade is historic


Sometimes sports are measured in numbers. Achievements in generated interest, views and money. Not always, but it was. Boxing itself has always been an object of special interest. Titanic clashes, superhuman competitions, historic rivalries. All this makes it one of the most beloved sports, and many critics argue about which of all the glorious eras can be considered the most successful.

1964 Muhammad Ali wins the world heavyweight title. 4 years earlier, he also became the Olympic champion at the Rome Games (lightweight category). Successes that came within a short time, logically earned him the nickname "The Great". Doesn't that put an end to arguments about the most successful era in boxing?

An era in which the world knows Larry Holmes, also known as the "Easton Killer". World heavyweight champion since 1974. His left straight is considered the best in boxing history. Holmes is also one of the five men who ever defeated "The Great" - Muhammad Ali.

Of course the whole search is completely subjective in view of the eri-Lennox Lewis, the Klitschko brothers, to get to today. Without exaggerating, boxing could be classified as one of the most successful sports. The fact that this kind of rivalry is among the most ancient competitions is a proof against the background of the memorable achievements marked above. What's more, over the years it has kept its identity, and the original rules have simply been framed so that we know it today as it is. A sport in which the names of the heroes are not forgotten. A sport in which every decade deserves a place in the textbooks.
