The Unofficial Beginning: The Ancient Traces of Football

The Unofficial Beginning: The Ancient Traces of Football

To date, there is no sport that excites more than football. The game of ball is able to unite people of different ages, genders or nationalities for the sake of the one-emotion that a winning goal brings. But who do we have to thank for that?

Football as we know it today originated in the 19th century. in England. A group of wealthy figures find the need for rules to dictate the game, so they band together around them. To be completely authentic and in tune with the character of the football fan from the Island, all this does not take place in a stadium, but in a pub in the south of London.

However, evidence shows that a team sport in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's net has been practiced for centuries. One of the first dates back to the 3rd century BC in China.

However, according to researchers, team ball games have been well known in South and North America for centuries. Mary Miller, professor of art history at Yale University, reveals that a number of civilizations in Mesoamerica practiced similar games thousands of years ago. Moreover, this activity was closely related to the religion of Mesoamerican wars, some of which even resolved diplomatic conflicts through a game of ball. And a number of other nations redistributed territories and even sacrificed the losers.

To get the look we know today, football has undergone a number of metamorphoses. However, one thing does not change - the ultimate goal. To defeat the opponent. And so from an indiscriminate pursuit of a ball, soccer becomes a game that today more than 250 million people around the world worship. A game that is capable of enthralling billions in front of small screens. A game where everyone burns. And yes, even if there is no definitive evidence of who the 'father' of football really is to thank, we can thank it-the-greatest-game.
