Just Ali

Just Ali

As is well known, boxing is one of the oldest sports, and there is considerable debate as to how and when it originated. Arguments continue to this day, and the discussion of who is the greatest in the sport also continues to this day. However, for the most faithful fans of the sport, the answer is clear - Muhammad Ali!

Younger boxing fans barely remember and have seen Ali in action, with Tyson Fury perhaps the closest he's come in modern times (and only at times) to Ali's unapologetic style of the 60s and 70s . There is not much archival footage available to the general public, but that is why a memorable biographical film was made about the incredible career of the boxer, titled simply - "Ali".

Will Smith took on the daunting task of playing Muhammad Ali. The action of the film takes place over a period of 10 years (1964 - 1974), following not only the sports career of the legendary boxer. The film focuses on Ali's conversion to Islam, as well as his rebellion against US policy, and also examines Ali's decision not to participate in the Vietnam War, a decision for which he was terrorized for much of his life. and he was also stripped of his title (1967).

However, Ali does not give up and, despite the pressure, continues to be both the voice of the downtrodden and the undisputed #1 in boxing.

Whether Will Smith is up to the task is not entirely clear. The actor receives both high praise and serious criticism. But the fact is that anyone who does not know the story of Muhammad Ali should watch this biopic.
